- Restrooms with showers
- Kitchen and Bar-B-Que
- 120/240 Service
- Work Shop
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
- 24-hour security
- Lighted Docks
- Back-up Generator On Site
- Limited Access (no one will be near or on your boat without permission)

Monthly Rates:
- Monohull $100
- Catamaran $250
Additional Monthly Services
$ 40 extra monthly includes:
- Venting and airing
- Check bilges daily
- Check batteries bi-monthly
- Wipe the inside weekly with vinegar to help control mold
- Daily Monitoring of water and dock lines
- Daily and Instant Shore Power Monitoring
- In the Rare Event of Heavy Weather, doubling of lines, etc.
- 24/7 Security
- Laundry service
- Kitchen, Heads and Showers
- Wash Down Available
- Boat cleaning available
Additional Services
- Electricity: 110 & 220 available @ .50 a kwh
- Outside wash:
- $40 on Monohulls by request
- Catamarans depends on size