Pay Less – Get More
Our Rate Schedule is the lowest on the Rio, Our Location enhances the security of your boat

You are leaving your boat for the month or the season. When you return, you expect your boat to be in the condition you left it and ready for routine preparation to head to sea.
There is no need to pay for all the amenities you will not use. At M & M Marina you are not paying for a staff that must spend its time attending to those amenities and marina guests.
At M & M Marina you will pay for exactly what you want, a dedicated staff that has one mission, to ensure your boat is exactly as you left it and expect it to be when you return.
You get More for Less… and you get exactly what you expect.
You are leaving your boat in the Tropics. The power goes down with annoying regularity. It might come up in an hour, it might come up in a week.
When the power goes down, mold and mildew start. Batteries begin to bake, diesel tanks start growing algae. If you are living on your boat at a full service marina, you deal with it. If your boat is left unattended at a full service marina, no one does anything unless you add to the costs you are paying for services you are not using an additional cost for someone to take personal care of your boat.
M & M Marina has one mission –
Take Care Of Your Boat! When the power goes down, the generator goes on and the staff at M & M Marina goes about their daily duty to take care of your boat
When the power goes out,
our Generator goes on

Safe and Secure
Yacht Storage
During Hurricane Season

Tucked into Mango Bay, M & M Marina is off the beaten path and ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and is still a short run to Fronteras and outbound/inbound transportation.
M & M Marina is Owner Operated. The Owners live on site. They know each of their staff personally. In essence, you are storing your boat at their home.
It goes without saying that the security of your boat is of equal importance to the security of their home.. Your boat is a guest in their home and receives the care and attention any guest receives.